Sunday, January 15, 2023

Cloudy Today

 It certainly won't be cold. Elevated fire danger so the winds might be high today. No rain likely. So it goes. What I am currently reading is a large hard cover collection of stories from Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine. Excellent stuff. I like everything about BOOKS. I like the tactile quality, the heft, the smell of the pages. Take your "smart phones" and stick them where the sun don't shine. I have, in fact, many many more books in this house than most people will ever encounter in their lifetimes. Those I read and decide not to keep go to the Friends of the Library for resale and others to enjoy. Many I do keep and many of the books in my library are worth re-reading and some have been re-read many times over the years. Permanent in my collection are books by Bart Ehrman, and James Tabor, and Elaine Pagels, and books on math and physics and history and many other topics. And there's a lot of fiction worth re-reading. Philip K. Dick, for instance! Dickens. Victor Hugo. Flaubert. Balzac. James Joyce. And on and on. Books to savor and books to make one think. And other books to entertain and divert. Thank goodness for gifted writers. 

But you won't find any contemporary right-wing trash, that's for sure. Look in vain for the likes of Sarah Palin. None of that garbage. 


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