Thursday, November 28, 2019

New Braunfels 2019 Set 10

Still heading back, still damp, still cold.

And it wasn't long before I passed "The House That Collapsed" years ago. It's planted on a new foundation, but it looks like there must be a massive amount of work to be done, on things like misaligned doors and walls and plumbing and gas lines. 

When you consider the jolt this place took, when the foundation gave way, can it ever be the same?
Here is a typical New Braunfels kind of house in an older neighborhood.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

New Braunfels 2019 Set 9

STILL out in the cold drizzle and getting kind of chilled.

Also worried about the camera getting wet.

People travel from all over the country, and the WORLD, to see the sights in New Braunfels!

More SIGHTS next time.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

New Braunfels 2019 Set 8

Still out in the cold drizzle.

And still in the alley.

Interesting, the way the businesses along this alley have made the alley-- interesting.

When the weather improved the next day, these places were packed.

This is a long, long, way from the New Braunfels I was born in! And grew up in! Ever so many years ago!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

New Braunfels 2019 Set 7

So I'm wandering around in a cold light mist and I've decided to head back but via a different route-- an alley.

As usual, the alley proved to be more interesting.

Wurstfest venues but no crowds because it was too early and the weather was awful. But that would change the next day.

When I'm in an alley there are certain things I always like to photograph.

I still have a long way to go with this.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

New Braunfels 2019 Set 6

I'm still in that antique store, dodging a brief rain.

New Braunfels is the kind of place where you can buy a lot of old stuff.

All kinds of old stuff here.

The rain stopped and I started walking again. I was getting some dirty looks, wandering around in the store taking pictures but not buying anything. I was glad to get out!

And I'm a long way from being finished with New Braunfels!