Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Let's Finish Anton, Texas!

It's time to move on.

The only impressive thing we found in Anton was the high school, and of course the football stadium. Here is the home of the yellow and purple Anton Bulldogs. Are those not the colors of deep and painful bruises? I get the impression that America's god is FOOTBALL. We are going to PAY for that vain, stupid, nasty, idol-worship, and pay dearly someday... a curse on football! A curse on the false gods of football, fame, popularity, and money! All these idols will be consumed by a rain of fire. America will be wasted, and not because of Planned Parenthood. Oh, no, our curses are FOOTBALL and INFOTAINMENT, and many other demonic psuedo-gods in a false and shallow pantheon.
Woe to America!

OK, I got that business out of my system. Let's finish Anton.


Monday, September 28, 2015

Take A Good Look At Anton...

Indulge, bask yourself in the sights and scenes of another Texas small town.

We wonder how long there will even BE an Anton.

We can't even understand how Anton manages to survive today.

It's a mystery to us. When we finish Anton, more looks at Lubbock, Tahoka, and we've visited a new small town on Highway 87! New, in the sense that we have not stopped there before. We met one resident there, and she was very nice. All this will be elucidated in the future.


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Continuing Anton

Not many bright spots here.

Purple and Yellow are the high school football team colors. Friday night lights must be major; it must be what most of the folks here live for.

The Anton Bulldogs are Purple and Yellow. Go. Fight. Win.

Of course, Anton has a number of churches, representing most major denominations. So, I guess there are lots of church activities. High school kids love church activities-- luncheons, socials, and the like. Especially when there are lots of older people around. Actually, probably not...



Thursday, September 24, 2015

Continuing Anton

There really did not seem to be much of anything to do in Anton. We wondered how the high school kids coped with so much sensory deprivation.

For that matter, how do the young, single, adults avoid going bonkers? Or maybe they don't.

Surely, some very interesting things go on, behind closed doors...

What HAPPENED to Anton??

It sure looks dead.