Monday, June 26, 2023

Extreme Heat

 Tomorrow and the next day are going to be rough-- not the hottest it's ever been here but pretty bad. After that, if the darned forecast proves to be accurate, and they rarely are, we get some relief and even some rain chances. I am still hoping for a deluge on the 4th of July, and on the third and the fifth. Mornings have not been bad, at least. Evidence accumulates that the ETs piloting the UAPs are indeed idiots. They crash regularly and pull stupid stunts, and they run around naked, breathing our alien air and exposing themselves to our bugs, and exposing us to their bugs, and if they are products of genetic engineering the genetic engineer had a twisted sense of humor. Either that, or the people reporting these things are the idiots. Hmmm. Some combination of pathological liars, half-wits, lunatics and so on are at play, and this we can be sure of. Is it the humans, or is it aliens? My money is on the humans. No alien from from an advanced civilization could be that stupid. 

Human beings are the perfect poster children for "stupid". In my humble opinion...

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