Sunday, August 16, 2020

Downtown Lubbock #5

Life in the trumptard cult universe crap world is nothing if not depressing. Unless you're a trumptard, and then it is glorious, and greatness is everywhere. You really have to be a sort of white trash half-wit to appreciate the greatness of that trumptard crap world.  I guess I don't qualify. It probably also helps to be a racist, and again, I don't qualify. No wonder I'm depressed. I'm just not able to see the greatness. I never would have imagined that being sane would make me unfit to be an American. Oh well. Let's see what's great downtown.

In the trumptard cult universe, it seems that sanity, and even common human decency, are crimes against the state. Don't even talk about truth-- if honesty is a virtue then the whole pile of crap bursts into flame. The thought that a real world might exist, independently of hopes, dreams, illusions, delusions, and counter-factual bullshit is enough to give the typical trumptard a complete psychotic break.

Cults and reality don't mix very well. In fact, the combination is hypergolic. Look it up. Think of Waco. Think of Jonestown.

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