Sunday, June 23, 2024

Summer Heat

 I can take it. If I lived much farther south I'd have some trouble. Heat and humidity is a terrible combo. Our humidity levels are going down. The corn I've seen east of me is doing well, so I hope we have more rain. Most of today's business is taken care of. Iced coffee for me, at the moment. I've had my Sunday drive. I enjoy that very much. I enjoyed a couple of my guitars this morning. All of my instruments are heavy with nostalgia. They remind me of instruments I coveted when I was  a college student, and in one case, an instrument I owned when I was a college student. And of instruments I owned in the late seventies. In the late seventies I went through a lot of electric guitars. I wish I'd held onto them. The oldest one I had then dated back to 1958, a Dakota Red Fender Duo-Sonic, with a 22.5 inch scale. Quirky but fun to play. Hard to intonate as I recall, but I finally got it spot on. I contemplate no new guitars. I've got enough. I've covered the bases. 

I like to eat the purple flowers you see above. The rest of the plant is toxic, but the flowers are very good. Pick and eat. 

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