Monday, June 10, 2024

Just Like That!

 Last afternoon, late, I heard a sort of rapping, a sort of tapping, at my chamber door. It was HAIL, quarter sized, driven by a very strong wind, and then rain poured down in torrents. Just like that, everything changed. Lubbock and surrounding areas got soused. It will be cloudy and cool all day and rain is likely all day, off and on, and into the night and through the night. I could do without the hail. It really battered some of the stuff I've got growing outside, but it probably needed to be thinned anyway. So nature did the work for me. There is more than enough still standing, and what is still standing will grow rapidly after such rains. It is a great relief from the heat! Meanwhile everything is soaked. We are under a flood advisory at this very moment. 

Yesterday it was hot, but not all that bad-- certainly not "unbearable". Not oppressive. This morning it is so cool that some thin-blooded people might wear a sweater. 

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