Monday, June 24, 2024

My Heat Tolerance

 My tolerance for high temperatures seems to have gotten better as I've grown older. It's hot but a thermostat set on 79, plus fans to circulate air in the house, feels comfortable. It helps a lot to have relatively low humidity, and somewhat breezy conditions outside. I'm not suffering-- far from it. It was pleasant outside last evening, and this morning. 

You, know, I've always liked being thrifty. I do buy a lot of my clothing from garage sales and thrift stores. And I've found some really nice stuff at estate sales, but I hardly ever wear shirts anymore, the kind that have collars. T-shirts work best for me, in gray or black. Black in the winter and gray in the summer. My favorite jeans came from an estate sale in 2010. I have some newer ones I got from Amazon a few years ago but I don't like them very much. I've got a bunch of cheap cargo pants I like. I'm still trying to get them "worn in". My favorite t-shirts are pretty well-worn but super comfortable. I wear the rattiest t-shirts to the gym. I've worn a tie on a few occasions, probably not more than a dozen times in my life. I have a pretty nice gray suit I bought new in 1983. I have worn that double-breasted suit five times. That's it. I've still got it. I can't imagine ever wearing it again. I keep it as a nostalgia item. It fit perfectly the last time I wore it, in 2012, when I got married for the second time. I didn't wear a tie, though. I looked something like "The Mentalist". I thank that make it do, wear it out, use it up, is a fine way to live, if you include keep it simple. Simplicity and thrift. Way to go. 

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