Friday, June 14, 2024

Hot But...

The heat is not really out of norms, and certainly bearable. I do what I need to do early in the day. It helps to be an early riser, and it helps to ignore DST. My 7 is your 8, and so on. I just don't alter my sleep patterns. I'm out of bed and ready to rumble by 5:30. MY time. True to form, I got the essentials done while the morning was fresh and cool. 

I have certainly been enjoying my guitars lately. People complain about the Duncan designed pickups on  Jagmasters, but the secret to a good tone is to set them as far below the strings as possible and then to screw out the threaded pole pieces a few millimeters. This adjustment makes a world of difference. I find the action on my Jagmaster to be the best of all my guitars. Of course, I used a hard wood tremelo block, held in place with Titebond. Trem systems aren't worth the tuning hassle, in my book. And the springs actually make a nasty contribution to the sound. They must go. 

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