Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Lubbock Landmark Coming Down

It's the elevated water storage at 50th and Joliet. Been there for many years and it is being taken down to be replaced by a more modern structure. 

It's hard to see when you are this close but a lot of the top structure has already been removed.

I might visit this area several times, to capture the demolition and replacement process. More of this next time. I will give Lubbock credit for maintaining infrastructure, unlike many cities, where things like this are left to decay, because the money goes elsewhere. Here in Lubbock you don't have to worry about Mafia contractors doing shoddy work either. Of course, we do get shoddy work at times but I don't think the mob has anything to do with that.

1 comment:

  1. Rick, I wanted to say something about your comment on Sabine Hossenfelder's blog, but couldn't. So I'll say it here: Einstein said the principle of equivalence only applies to an infinitesimal region. That means it doesn't apply at all. See where I give details. And feel free to delete this off topic comment!

    John Duffield
