Monday, March 30, 2020

I Revisited That Alley

And, I got some much more detailed pics. Infections here are seen to increase as more people are tested. Lots of worry about asymptomatic cases spreading the stuff, which seems to have already happened here. My improvised masks are probably worthless. I don't need a reminder not to touch my face while out and about. But, surely, if someone coughs nearby, or someone infected ignores social distancing, and that's true of most Lubbockites, even an improvised mask might make it less likely that one would inhale particulates that might carry the virus? The theory being that liquid bearing the virus would adsorb on the fabric, trapping the virus on that surface. The mask then would have to be removed rather carefully and immediately washed out thoroughly after one use, say, to buy groceries. These improvised masks would be of no use to someone in prolonged close contact with an infected person, and would not likely protect others if you were infected and coughing into the mask, but in a situation where contact is brief, maybe still better than nothing? There is no clear guidance, and that is very irritating.
Back to the alley.

We are not so very far from a flea market, but that flea market is pretty much shut down.

As junk goes, this is not very interesting stuff, I know. It's all they've got in this location. More of this next time. And, I've discovered some useful features in Windows 10, and I'm staring to like it. I have some very old programs, and they are actually working with this operating system.

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