Friday, August 2, 2024

Just Another Hot Day

 More and more and more of these, as the climatic engine makes its humanly induced excursion into dangerous extremes. Being human these days is like being trapped in a lunatic asylum, where most of the inmates have entered into a suicide pact. The inmates aren't merely crazy, they are stupid and crazy. Some are stupid, crazy, and RABID. My oh my-- what a cluster f*ck it is becoming! And what a lonely thing it is to be sane and smart. I make no great claims for myself. An Einstein I am not, but I am still smarter than about 99% of the population at large-- that's been established by many, many tests. And I'm flat tired of taking tests. Never again. No more. I'm probably losing ground because of my age, but that's OK. I've got a long way to fall before I'm even "average". And I expect to be sane all the way to the end. 

At my age I can afford to coast on autopilot, into that final parking lot in the dirt. 

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