Sunday, May 19, 2024


 It's getting warm, but with dry air and light breezes. The ground is still soaked from all the rain recently. Really not bad at all. I had my usual drive this morning, and on the return trip I intersected another part of my old bike route, when I was an avid cyclist. Some things have changed and some things have remained much as they were. This morning I made a circuit of most of my guitars, and that felt good. I need to keep my fingers in condition. On another front I'm getting some esthetic pleasure from Capablanca's games, replaying them on one of my chess sets. I've got several nice boards and several sets purchased on eBay, like vintage USCF club specials, and a vintage LARDY Staunton, and so on. A couple of recent sets purchased on eBay, also vintage, give me a lot of pleasure. I was fortunate to get many of these sets at bargain prices, and one vintage plastic Staunton set is in a style I have never seen anywhere, and quite nice. I priced a set of vintage Drueke's and they were too much for the sake of nostalgia. I'll stick with what I've got now. I actually considered buying an old Yamaha nylon string classical guitar listed on eBay, but couldn't pull the trigger. Affording it wasn't the issue. I find it impossible to overcome habits of frugality and a deeply ingrained aversion to any form of self-indulgence. So be it. 

It's impossible for me to understand people who are comfortable with debt, who are comfortable with spending money on "luxury" items. I believe that such people have a toxic and distorted sense of their own worth-- those are people I want nothing to do with. They are dangerous!

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