Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Days Like This

 I like to be outside before sunrise, enjoying the cool air of morning, with a cup of coffee. I make my coffee strong, like the sour brew Alley Oop drank, back in prehistoric Moo. The environment I've created, just for me, behind a privacy fence, is much like prehistoric Moo. Of course, I have no Stegosaurs, but there are animals to keep me company, of another sort, and I enjoy their presence. More than I'd enjoy any human presence, I can tell you that, now that I've renounced the human name and the human game. I've been there and I've done that, and the time to withdraw is upon me. No one can give me back what I lost some years ago, so, for all practical purposes, screw it. Alienation is appropriate, I think. And isolation can be bracing, like a brisk, chill wind. 

No, is what I have to say-- no to this and no to that. 

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