Monday, May 27, 2024

Problem "Solved"

 My difficulties yesterday had little to do with anything but Google, and their lack of policing of the blogs hosted on Blogger. Some dispense malware and are stuffed with ads, but they are profitable for Google, so.... sometimes blogs like mine are tainted by association and if you have a good browser guard and an ad blocker, there can be problems. But I got some help online and now know what to do when this happens, and it is likely to happen again someday. That's the downside of being associated with Google. So be it. Nice day yesterday. Great outside. Not too hot, and very, very pleasant in the late evening. This will be a hot day, though not extreme, and the rest of the week should be quite good with rain chances! Not bad. 

It would not surprise me at all to find someday that I will be forced to have at least some advertising on my blog. I do NOT want to monetize, have no need to, but I seem to be running on corporate charity, and I wonder how long THAT will last. 

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