It's going to be rather chilly tomorrow, and windy, of course. Maybe this will be the last of the cold fronts. Very tired of temps in the forties to start the day. It just won't warm up and stay warm, just as it just won't rain. Some areas did get rain recently but they were also smashed by hail and 90 mph winds. Par for the course. I know people are moving to Lubbock but I don't understand why. The Tax office is blood thirsty, and out to screw you to the wall, the climate sucks, and you'll be eating dirt six months out of the year. Lubbock, in my considered opinion, is a crappy place to live. If I wasn't already here, and established here, with too many memories and connections to move, and I hate moving anyway-- you wouldn't still see me in this thing. Happiness is Lubbock in your rearview mirror. They said that years ago and it is still true. It's tolerable if you aren't very social, and tough as nails. Otherwise...

When I got to Lubbock back in the late sixties, with a full scholarship of all things, one of the first things I learned was "Lubbock Sucks". We all said that, all the Tech students, unless they were native to this area, and the natives seemed brain-damaged to those of us who came from other, more congenial, and less backward places. Not much has changed.