Friday, August 25, 2023

Slow And Steady

 I tend my garden, literally. Maintain the routines that sustain me. Keep the outside world at bay, to the extent that I can. I am reading THE DARKENING AGE by Catherine Nixey. I've completed the PKD biography. I'm going to go back to Sue Grafton for fiction. Close to the end of that series, now. It'll be sad to finish them. I've received THE FRAGMENTS OF CELSUS, ordered from Amazon. It would be wonderful to have all of Celsus. Truly, cults are the bane of mankind. Superstition seems to be wired into the poor human brain. Combine superstition with cultic fervor, and civilization crumbles while madness runs rampant. 

If humanity isn't under quarantine, it should be. 


Thursday, August 24, 2023

Another Pleasant Morning!

 Yes, and much accomplished! Some books on order from Amazon. Essential reading and things you should find in every school library. I'll mention them later. I sure wish some fortunate archeologist would stumble upon the complete works of Porphyry. And of Democritus, and many other pre-Socratic philosophers. Aquinas and Augustine should be tossed into history's trash heap. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Moderating Temperatures

 Yes, temps moderate but it is still too hot. Let me just say, after an important city council decision, that developers are destroyers. I am firmly opposed to growth. Growth is actually a process of decay and destruction. If you are busy growing, you are shitting in your nest and you will choke on your own excrement. No growth. Developers are among my least favorite people. The only good developer is a developer who is leaving town because they are not welcome. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

People Seem Disturbed

 As our temps moderate to seasonal norms, I continue to do all of my "rat-killing" early. And by the way, I am NOT running on DST. So I get up at a true 05:30 and I'm out and about by a true 08:00, if I have to go to the bank or PO, otherwise, I'm gassing the car and buying groceries at a TRUE 07:00. Nice! At any rate, as I did the things I needed to do this morning, I noted many people speeding and many people changing lanes erratically, as though they had their heads up their asses, and some fat fuck in a large PU even honked at me as I signaled a right turn and slowed to make that turn. I refrained from giving that pig the finger. Undoubtedly that pig has high blood pressure and if he was upset by something and in a mad rush, let his life be shortened by stress. Maybe he was disturbed by my EAT SH*T TRUMPTARD bumper sticker? Who knows? At any rate I got my stuff done. And by the way, I had a great weight session this morning. Tuesday is for all the things I can do with my adjustable bench, using my collection of dumbbells. It's mainly upper body: abs, arms, shoulders, back, and so on routine but I do some split squats with a pair of 40 lb dumbbells and some other leg stuff. It's quick but thorough. Other things on other days. I bet that pig who honked at me does not do much of anything except sit behind a desk and work on heart disease. But what was wrong with people this morning? Can't they relax?


Monday, August 21, 2023

Pleasant Mornings Continue

 Dry air makes the heat easier to deal with, and the heat diminishes. Everything very stable and predictable, still. May such conditions prevail in my life. I dread change. My fundamental outlook has not changed since 1989; that is clear as I continue to reference my journal volumes. And I do mean volumes. I still have one per year, more or less, since 1988, and at one time, since 1980, with fragments dating back to 1978. Most of that is gone, except the very early stuff, and that was transcribed into rich text format years ago. It's burned onto a cd rom and someday I need to get it onto a thumb drive. 

Interesting thing about a lot of that early stuff, is that I used the material as a basis for fiction. That fiction has been published anonymously and has had many readers over the years. It is in an archive, but I will never reveal where, and if you ever stumble upon it you will find it under two different aliases. It is quite subversive, and it was meant to be subversive. HAHA! Just my little effort to undermine the social order and strike a blow against "Christendom". Fuck "Christendom".