Monday, September 2, 2024

Like An Olde Tyme September!

 Cool! Wet! Cloudy! What a treat! So happy to have done all needed outdoor things! Did my weights this morning and enjoy iced coffee, because it will take a long time for the heat in the house to dissipate, but someday it will. I have a somewhat different winter strategy in mind, too, for that time must come as well. Today I will do much reading, and playing of guitar, and meditating. I have ordered things I will need for an experiment in AGE breaking, based on studies I found in PubMed. I will, of course, be the lab rat. I see no risk in this, and if it works as well as it did in the studies, that involved actual lab rats, it will be a rather fine thing. Look up "Advanced Glycation End Products" and their role in aging. Meanwhile, I am loving the change in our weather!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

It Didn't Rain Enough

 I don't think this will be a wet weekend, but at least the worst of the heat is still off. Nice and cool this morning, so I did some work outside. When is the next norther due? We need another one. 

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Rain Yesterday

 The rain was very nice. We are still out of the heat.

It is nice to be out of the heat!

Friday, August 30, 2024

The Norther Is Here

 Cool, windy from the north, and very cloudy. We've already had some light rain and the chances for showers today are good-- 70%. It will indeed be a wet weekend. In past times, sometimes, most of the time, Labor Day would be a day to swelter. Not this time. 

Those who await the "rapture of the church" are going to be disappointed, again. And again. And again, for there never, ever, will be such an event. They have been misled by the false apostle and deceiver, Paul. The poor man was plagued by dreams and hallucinations, and he managed to convince many that he was not in fact insane, but a great visionary. He would have benefited from a heavy dose of thorazine. Would that he had been strangled by his umbilical cord!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Ah! A Norther!

 Tomorrow, in fact, a fairly strong norther for the season will drop our temps substantially and give us a rather wet Labor Day weekend. I like that very much. That will be a good thing. 

Yesterday evening, as I enjoyed wine on the patio, I remembered something very important. How I lost sight of it I do not know, but it is an objective, a firm intention, and a very realistic goal. I see my future, in a sense, and it is agreeable, and it is in my control to the extent that anything in this witless and random world can be in one's control. My life has structure again. We'll see whether this illumination turns out to be merely yet another chimera. You know how it is. Life is full of chimeras. Well, maybe not this time. Maybe not for me.