Monday, September 2, 2024

Like An Olde Tyme September!

 Cool! Wet! Cloudy! What a treat! So happy to have done all needed outdoor things! Did my weights this morning and enjoy iced coffee, because it will take a long time for the heat in the house to dissipate, but someday it will. I have a somewhat different winter strategy in mind, too, for that time must come as well. Today I will do much reading, and playing of guitar, and meditating. I have ordered things I will need for an experiment in AGE breaking, based on studies I found in PubMed. I will, of course, be the lab rat. I see no risk in this, and if it works as well as it did in the studies, that involved actual lab rats, it will be a rather fine thing. Look up "Advanced Glycation End Products" and their role in aging. Meanwhile, I am loving the change in our weather!

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