Friday, May 19, 2023

A Little Rain

 It rained overnight, but it does not seem to have been very much. I think I will water this evening. Yesterday I spoke to someone about our water situation and learned about a farmer in the area who has given up. Not enough rain and his wells were too expensive to operate. I think we'll see more and more of that. We discussed the Roberts County wells. We decided that the outlook for Lubbock and the other towns around here, is not very good. And I had occasion to drive into areas of Lubbock I have not seen in five or more years, and I was astounded by the development. It looks to me as though a lot of people are living in a fantasyland. Of course, the developers and home builders are making a lot of money, and if we have a water crunch, no problem. They can take the money and run. Not so for most of the rest of us. I know Lubbock has a "water plan" but I wonder how realistic it is, especially in light of climate trends. I would be surprised to find that it acknowledges any sort of climate trend, since that wouldn't conform to conservative ideology. In other words, any water plan the city might have would most likely not be founded upon good science. I haven't been able to find any specifics about such a water plan. 

I found a better way to manage these images. Makes things a lot easier. 

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Top Priority!

 Keeping life simple and avoiding complications has been my top priority since 2017, at least. It's amazing how hard that is to do. I think our rain chances are diminishing rapidly. It looked a bit like it might rain last evening but only a few drops fell. We could sure use more. Maybe this weekend.

I was advised once to "relinquish the illusion of control". That was good advice that I've found hard to follow. It seems that I can control very little, and can't even exert much of an influence. Stuff keep happening. Decisions always need to be made, and it seems that if something CAN go wrong, then it will. Such is life. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023


 I can't recall such a wet May, with such mild temperatures. Of course, that's not saying much. I could consult my journals but why bother? I had to scrap a lot of volumes because I couldn't identify with the person I was then. I'd read them and cringe. I did THAT? I didn't want to be reminded of all the really stupid things I did, considered important, and so on. 

At least I can SEE that. I learned. I matured. Some people don't. They freeze, in a way, and no matter how old they get, they are still the same dumbasses they were when they were much younger. Repeating the same mistakes, ensnared in the same illusions-- that's really sad. 

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The Closest Approximation

 It seems to me that the "corporate person" is the closest approximation to a Golem that one can achieve, short of magic. And I have no faith in magic. I failed to mention Twitter. Twitter is well-named because it appeals strongly to bird brains. There's no way in hell that I would waste time with Twitter, or "Tik Tok" (what kind of rotten shit is that, eh?). But a blog seems innocuous enough, and that is as far as I will go. And that might even be too far, but I started this so I'll just go on with it. Facebook is a deluge of crap and bot garbage-- a bottomless pit. No thanks. 

Our excellent weather continues! That's the important thing! I'm enjoying the Kinsey Millhone mysteries. They are set in a time before "smart" phones and even before cell phones! YES! Not one reference to a text or even an email! It was a far, far, better world then, a world where village idiots were isolated from each other and shunned. Today, of course, they are united by social media, and they are very, very, dangerous and destructive. The internet is like a loaded gun in the hands of a moron. Bad idea. 

Monday, May 15, 2023

Living In A Vacuum

 All communications today seem to be via texting or social media. This is an interesting development in the decline of humanity and the advance of dehumanization. There are a few exceptions. I had a nice correspondence by means of written letters at one time but I don't think anyone does that anymore. Email seems to be falling out of use. I'm living in a dystopian future, a kind of zombie world, but I've managed to avoid, so far, the transformation. I'd rather not be a zombie.

A lot of people seem to like it. I can't blame it all on vacation Bible schools, either. Korporate Kulture has a lot to do with it. Corporations are kind of like zombies, so in order to run, they need zombies to make it all happen.