Friday, May 18, 2018

Older Part Of New Braunfels Cemetery 2018

And I have my cousin to thank for this amazing tour. I'm grateful.

It had been many years since the last time I saw these things.
 I knew the woman in the grave above as "Oma Tilly"-- my great, great, grandmother. I have a black and white photo in which she is holding me. I could not have been one year old at that time. 

It was good to see these things. I needed a reminder of family history.

Life is ephemeral, isn't it.
And here is the unexpected part: I got a demonstration of a paranormal method of locating graves! For details, you can check the internet and there are several Youtube videos demonstrating the process, but I WAS THERE, and I saw it, and I took photos.

The pointers in my cousin's hands began to swing together as he approached a grave and crossed directly over the grave. But here's the really odd thing-- I tried it myself and the same thing happened. It was uncanny, feeling the pointers begin to move in my hands. I can't think of any way I would have caused this by any voluntary or involuntary movement of my hands, no way that my muscles could have exerted the required forces, given the loose, awkward, grip, and no way that gravity could produce the effect without a really obvious change of hand position. Try it yourself. Hold metal rods in this position and try to MAKE them cross. You can do it, but the effort is obvious, involves a lot of awkward muscular effort, and the force of gravity is not enough to overcome friction unless you really obviously twist your wrists out of position. I made a very deliberate effort to hold my hands steady. I did not expect anything to happen!  And the pointers moved and crossed. I FELT them turning! I can't explain it. It seems to me that naturalistic explanations for this phenomenon are so contrived and ad hoc they don't really add useful information to the discussion. "Power of suggestion"? So how would that work, exactly, since you've still got the mechanical and physiological problem of making the rods move with no muscular effort obvious to an observer. If you try to do this deliberately, you'll find that it's impossible. So what IS the explanation? I have no idea. But it would be fun to try some experiments. If you tried cutting down the dimension of the pointers, little by little, would it still work? If it still worked and you kept cutting down the pointers, would you reach a length that wouldn't work? How about using different materials? Could you do this in a pet cemetery? And so on. Something is obviously happening, and it is hard to explain, but maybe you could put some boundaries on it. Also, it doesn't work for just anyone, supposedly. That's another boundary that could be explored. Anyway, I never expected this. Now on to more photos...

 According to the pointers, there's a grave at this spot.

Well, I will finish this next time.

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