Sunday, January 28, 2018

Finishing This Edition Of Petersburg, More Sunflowers

Remember, we are looking at a different part of Petersburg, because we entered from another direction. Makes all the difference. And then this update concludes with more views of last summer's sunflowers. It was late in the season and they were in decline. I've been working in the expanded garden as weather permits. It should be even better this summer. There will be photos here. I am going to continue my photography hobby, and continue to post pics on this blog. But first, I need to get caught up.

Yes, it was somewhat cloudy that day.

None of these places were occupied, as far as we could tell.

Want to buy a fixer-upper in Petersburg?? There are a lot available. You could commute to Lubbock. I've known people who did that.

Not very convenient though-- think about auto repair/service, and food. If you want more than the very basics you'll have to do a LOT of commuting. There are fixer-uppers in Lubbock, for that matter.

Yes, and you might also want to consider the school system, doctors, dentists, entertainment apart from high school football. What is there to DO in Petersburg??  My wife and I felt strongly that these little towns have no future. She had seen a lot of decline in her life, living in this area longer that I had. We always asked ourselves: If a child has a reasonable IQ, and some ambition and imagination, why stay in Petersburg, or Lorenzo, or Ralls, or--- the list is long.

But if small town life is your dream, there are plenty of small towns scattered around Lubbock. Follow your dream!
And now, sunflowers in decline:

They provided food for numerous birds.

They also attracted numerous insects, which was OK with us. It was LIFE!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

From Floydada To Petersbug-- The Scenic Route

We took these pics and made this little drive in late September of last year. When we got to Petersburg we entered the tiny town via the "back door" so to speak, so we found new things to photograph. I guess I am feeling better. Not so depressed. My life still has an aura of unreality to it. I try to take each day as it comes, appreciating anything that feels good or holds my interest. Good memories are nice. Mostly still pretty empty though. There is a definite sense of having no purpose. I hope that will be replaced eventually by a sense of direction. It would be nice to have a reason to live again, apart from taking care of an aged cat.

Renaming files resulted in a loss of order-- this was actually in Petersburg.

 Now at last on the road between Floydada and Petersburg. This roadside marker marks the location of the vanished community of Estacado.

We encountered various ruins.

And then we were in Petersburg, which was not much of an improvement. I will continue this next time.