Friday, April 29, 2016

Still Roaming Lubbock

We found something sad, and a little strange...

Actually, several years ago this was a kind of thrift store and flea market and junkyard and it was run by an aged Vietnam vet and he probably lived on the grounds with what seemed to be his grandson, an early teen boy who was bright and eager to help his granddad? sell things. We take these buildings as evidence that he didn't make a go of it. They didn't make a go of it. Seemed strange at the time. Seems sad and strange now. You've got to wonder where they are today.
What happened? What was going on, then?

 Abandoned, it seems. A lot of years ago this property housed an actual junkyard and an auto parts store.

About forty years ago, if memory serves, this was Johnny's Auto Parts. 

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