Monday, April 18, 2016

Old Buildings Along Highway 87 Near Lubbock, Texas

Yep, in the bad old days this was Lubbock's Strip. Lubbock used to be "dry" and that was a bad joke if there ever was one. Fortunately, several years ago, sanity prevailed at last. The sky didn't fall, as some predicted. Divine wrath did not empty upon us, as some predicted. Lubbock is doing quite well. But old relics along Highway 87 remain. Lubbock did lose some of its unique character. It became less stupid. Somewhat.

 This structure is very old, but I don't remember it! Must have been some kind of package store. Looks like they also sold fast food. Looks like there were also motel rooms. No telling.

Could it have been a beer joint/hot dog stand/whorehouse combo?

People have been in here, but the building seems ready to collapse. Very dangerous.

Don't go in there! Terrible things might happen!

We'll be looking at this some more next time.


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