Friday, April 29, 2016

Still Roaming Lubbock

We found something sad, and a little strange...

Actually, several years ago this was a kind of thrift store and flea market and junkyard and it was run by an aged Vietnam vet and he probably lived on the grounds with what seemed to be his grandson, an early teen boy who was bright and eager to help his granddad? sell things. We take these buildings as evidence that he didn't make a go of it. They didn't make a go of it. Seemed strange at the time. Seems sad and strange now. You've got to wonder where they are today.
What happened? What was going on, then?

 Abandoned, it seems. A lot of years ago this property housed an actual junkyard and an auto parts store.

About forty years ago, if memory serves, this was Johnny's Auto Parts. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Roaming Around Lubbock

Yes, we are just roaming through Lubbock, looking for things to photograph. We found a CHEVY SHOW in McKenzie Park, a local club gathering. Friendly folks, enjoying their rides. Nice rides!

We would not mind owning one of these...

 This sharp '58 would have been our pick.

I like to do photo tricks with cars like these...

The paint! The PAINT!!

Next time, we'll still be roaming around Lubbock.


Sunday, April 24, 2016

Now We Are In Smyer

And Smyer is very near to Lubbock, but we have not visited this town before. There is not much to it. It consists mostly of trailer parks. I found two buildings worth photographing.

I think this place is Smyer's official Halloween spookhouse.

Every town needs one of those.

It is not really being "maintained" by the city, but someone does mow the lawn. Otherwise the weeds would be twelve feet tall.

 And then in the middle of an isolated thicket, we found this structure. It might have been a dry goods store at one time. It sits by itself on a small plot of land that is completely overgrown.

Are these old buildings examples of historical preservation or simply neglect? Whatever they are, they are the only things in Smyer of any interest whatsoever.

While I investigated this ruin, I was investigated by some small dogs from a trailer park across the street. I was in no danger. They were just showing that they were on the job, sort of. They lost interest pretty quickly.

 This fellow hung around for awhile, maybe hoping for a dog biscuit.

That's Smyer. It's a city of ruins and trailer parks. I see no reason for us to return, at least not in the near future.