Friday, May 8, 2015

More Lubbock

Yes, if you want to live out on South University, way out in the boonies, you've got to have a junked out car or two or three on your property.

That would be OK with me, because I like junked out cars, and junkyards in general. I kind of like weeds growing up tall in and around old cars. When I was a kid my dad would take me to a local junkyard. He'd search for parts and I'd explore. It was great! My dream was to live in a junkyard. If I won the lottery I'd probably build a junkyard and try to talk my wife into moving into a nice house in the middle of a vast sea of junk cars. Then she'd kill me.

These pictures are from the vicinity of Avenue D and about 40th Street. This is an interesting part of town, with a hidden playa lake.

Some interesting erosional features, above. Looks a little like parts of Mars. The newer and more prosperous parts of town look like crap, to me. Sterile. Over-crowded. Hostile to life.



  1. I share your sentiments about old junkyards!

  2. There used to be one in Alamagordo NM I liked a lot, on the outskirts of town as you drive toward Cloudcroft-- it had lots of airplane parts and junk from White Sands. I do not know if it is still there.
