Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Turning Dry And Hot

 In other words, we are getting into a more normal weather pattern for the time of year. OK. That's not too bad. 


Tuesday, July 4, 2023

July 4th 2023

 It's kind of surprising the country is still around. Will it be around much longer? Wait and see, I guess. I can't really say that I care, one way or the other. 

It's fairly nice weather at least. Since people go back to work tomorrow the celebrations might be a bit more restrained. What do people celebrate? What are they thinking? How much do they really know about history?

Monday, July 3, 2023

Don't Panic

 Once in a while I check UFO stuff on youtube, for grins. And, yes, UFO is the correct acronym, and UAP is as stupid as calling a computer PROGRAM an APP. Screw the app crowd, that bunch of slap appy twits. Too many twits running around. But the idea that one might panic if we discovered that the UFOs are really alien craft is stupid. The putative aliens have done nothing but play stupid games and crash and burn. If the UFOs are piloted by aliens they are too dumb to be a threat to anything but themselves. 

Their space shits-- sorry, I meant "ships", are probably controlled by apps running on smart phones, so no wonder the damn things crash so much. 

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Warming And More Rain?

 40% chance of rain today but you'd never guess it this morning. Very sunny. Maybe clouds move in later, maybe this and maybe that. My Sunday morning drive took me past the area where the major festivities for the 4th will be held. I used to photograph that stuff for the blog but that seems pointless now. A lot of things are pointless now. I'm on "Q" in the Sue Grafton books. Because of those books I've gotten into hard-boiled egg sandwiches with lots of mayo, and peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. Very good! Another favorite: liverwurst on white bread with butter and molasses. Most people go yuck but it's an amazing treat, best made with authentic liver sausage but the best you can do around here is liverwurst from the supermarket. Good luck finding authentic liver sausage. And if the white bread is fresh and warm and homemade-- to die for. For years I've been thinking that "someday" I'll do this and do that, things I did when my wife was alive and we did together, but I suspect that "someday" will never arrive. I'm happiest now keeping my life as simple as possible and staying close to home. 

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Lots Of Rain!

 The heat is down and the rain is up. Had a great thunder shower yesterday afternoon and evening, cool breezes came with it, no severe weather, and this morning it is cool and we've had another shower. That's what I like. Very nice. Mild temperatures and rain chances continue today. 

Many new photos are in the pipeline! Cool mornings will continue for the next seven to ten days, giving me a chance each morning to air out the house and get the heat out.