Monday, October 7, 2024

Florida Going Down?

 Category 5 hurricanes are very unlikely in the absence of abnormal warming, and the governor of that state has banned any mention of global warming or climate change, so Floridians in the path of this hurricane should be greatly reassured. And does THE LORD not love Florida? All will be well, and all manner of thing shall be well. Fear not! I'm being sarcastic, of course. It's just a bit too warm and dry here, but mornings are still running cool and last evening outside with the usual chilled Chardonnay was very, very, nice. A record high by Saturday is possible but that is in advance of a system that will moderate our temps just a bit more than the last such weak system. All we've gotten lately are weak systems with no rain. We could sure use some rain. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Will Florida Drown?

 Floridians have nothing to worry about. Their governor has outlawed climate change. All is well. Here, we have a distinct need for rain, but otherwise it is very pleasant. So many wonderful cool and comfortable mornings, and nice evenings! It is dry, yes, but otherwise downright beautiful. 

Let me just say that I really do not care what happens to Israel or any other nation in that part of the world. It's a swamp of vile superstition as far as I'm concerned. Iran seems to be waiting for an Israeli response. I wouldn't do that. I'd launch a preemptive strike, throwing EVERYTHING into the mix, all or nothing, and I'd make sure that the missile warheads contained plutonium and cobalt 60. And then a kind of mutual suicide would take place. An entire nation would become the equivalent of a suicide bomber. I mean, I'd do that if I happened to be a religious fanatic who wanted to inflict the greatest damage possible and damn the consequences. Of course, I'm NOT a religious fanatic, not any kind of fanatic, and not really religious in any conventional sense, and I have no dog in this hunt. But I do look at this part of the world with disgust and loathing. It really is a stinking cesspool. A looney bin. Would that one could lay down a vast cloud of thorazine, and perhaps restrain the murderous psychotics of this region before they inflict more harm on each other. 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Locked In

 No change. Day after day almost precisely the same, but it's a comfortable pattern. The only bad part is the lack of rain. Otherwise perfect. Perfect mornings and perfect evenings and warm days. Winds are moderate and no dust in the air. How long can this go on?

I suspect that when change comes it will be dramatic. I noted that the toilet paper was sold out yesterday. I didn't need any, because I've learned that any little "event" will set off the toilet paper panic buying, so I have an ample stock, as a hedge against the idiots. So it seems that lots of people are expecting the immanent "rapture of the church" and have gone on a toilet paper spree. How long will THAT last? It's good to know though, that even in heaven shitting will continue. How comforting! Ahhhh!

Friday, October 4, 2024


 One day is much like the next. 

It's just a bit too warm. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024


 Our weather pattern marches on with no change. We could sure use some rain. Very dry now. Cool mornings and warm days with a nice cool down in the late evening. It's very comfortable in the morning to work outside and that's what I have been doing.