Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Texas Power Grid-- Still Unreliable?

 Record heat in Texas and already warnings of blackouts and brownouts. Our shit-for-brains governor throws money at CRAP, pandering to the racist half-wits who vote for him, and the important stuff is low priority in his looney toon world. He's already driven up prices on a lot of food items, pandering to his idiot base, and the power grid seems to be as shaky as ever. Paxton, Abbot, and that other idiot whose name I can never recall-- an ungodly trinity of terminal numbskulls if there ever was one. But an awful lot of Texans like to eat the shit they dish out. If Texans were smart, they wouldn't really be Texans anymore, would they?

In our area, something like 75% of our energy is generated by huge wind farms, so we might be in better shape than the rest of the state. Rick (dickhead) Perry wanted to kill wind power. Let's not forget that. 

Friday, May 13, 2022

Living In The Past?

 I talk about living in the past but certainly not any "past" prior to about 1980. If you know what I mean. 1983 and onwards? But not after about late 2017. Or 2016 maybe. After November 2016 it seems like everything went downhill very rapidly. The insanity quotient went up and up and it still hasn't topped out. 

Certainly, nothing after November 2017 would be worth revisiting. 

Thursday, May 12, 2022

More Zooming In

 It's been a long time since we've had rain-freshened air around here but I'm sure we will be back to breathing dust soon. Hurricane season might be the next chance for rain, assuming China's Hurricane Howitzer hits the Texas gulf coast just right. Another joke!

I like this stuff. I really do. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

It Rained

 Quite a hard rain last night. Surprised me. My connections in China finally got their top secret rain cannon working. Ha. Some people will be stupid enough to believe that. A lot of people are stupid enough to believe anything-- the dumber it is and the more outlandish, the quicker they are to swallow it. Go figure. 

The James Webb telescope is about ready to begin science operations. Everything has checked out. THAT is significant! 

Some oncologists have looked at recent photos of Putin and concluded that he is dying of cancer. One can hope. Now, if only my China connections can get their cancer gun focused on a certain Orange One... HA! HA! If only...

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Will It Rain? Can It Rain?

 Pretty good rain chances today and anywhere else you'd sort of expect SOMETHING, but here? I don't think so. Or, if it does rain it'll come with 3" hailstones that'll smash the crap out of everything. I've lived here too long to expect anything good. I'd really rather have more drought than face the prospect of putting a new roof on this house. Lubbock is not a very good place to live, in my opinion. I'm only here because I'm already here and I hate to move, and have "roots" here. But living here, you are putting up with some sort of crap on a regular basis. At least we don't have earthquakes, and tornadoes are not as frequent as they used to be. I'm trying to look on the bright side. We aren't being hammered with cruise missiles. That's something positive.

I shouldn't complain. One of the crappy things about life in the PU (Physical Universe) is that it could ALWAYS be much worse and somewhere out there it IS much worse. It's almost enough to make a Gnostic out of one! Hey, what sort of shoddy, half-assed, crap place is this anyway?? I don't think sentient organisms of any sort deserve this shit-hole "world".