Wednesday, August 5, 2020

More Garden From Earlier In Spring

Recent rains have really made this garden a lot more like a jungle. It is not as dense or wild as it was last year but I know what I need to do to correct that. Just lots of work next year!

At this point the finches are able to eat sunflower seeds from the sunflowers themselves. Of course, I still fill the feeders. 

At some point I will search for much earlier pics of this garden, from years ago, and post those. It's changed a lot. At first I had something else in mind. It kind of evolved, almost taking on a life of its own. Strange. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Same Old Same Old

Haven't gone anywhere.

My new home gym setup is pretty awesome. Can't go to the old gym anymore, even though it is open. Not likely to be safe. Some people go to a gym to be social. When I went, even with my wife, it was to EXERCISE! She had the same attitude. So with the home gym there is a total focus on EXERCISE and no distractions, no need to sanitize, no need to wear a mask, and no annoying people around trying to chat me up while I'm lifting weights or running on the treadmill. No need to try to make polite but perfunctory conversation while thinking: bugger off. And it's all right here, all the time. No need to arrange a time, no need to drive anywhere, no need to wait for someone to finish with the weights or equipment I need so I can use the stuff. This is one good way to cope with COVID. For pointers on form and technique, there's a ton of excellent material on the internet. 

Not finished with this garden stuff by a long shot.

Monday, August 3, 2020

More Of The Same

In more ways than one.

Good thing I took a lot of these pics.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Wilderness Would Be Better, But The Garden Will Serve

Being several miles from any other human habitation would be nice. Ah, wilderness.

What's left to say?

Saturday, August 1, 2020

These Garden Pics Are Not Recent

Some of this stuff goes all the way back to June. It's gotten a lot wilder since then.

Too many white wing doves hanging around. 

I had no intention of creating a "habitat" but that's how it turned out. I'd like to expand it to include all of the space in back, except for a wide winding pathway, but I suspect I would run afoul of various city ordinances. I know that at least one of my neighbors likes what I've done but I don't know about the others. I'll have to look into what the city, in all of its profound lack of wisdom, will permit. I would be interested in creating prairie conditions. I could easily supply it with just the right amount of water, drought or no drought. No more mowing. A natural space of the sort that existed before the human plague arrived, with their cotton fields and ranch lands, and cities.