Thursday, January 1, 2015

Derelict Buildings Junk Wrecks

Still very cold and icy. Going nowhere today and probably not tomorrow either. New Year's Eve yesterday. If the drunks got out on these icy roads there must have been a lot more wrecks. There have already been a lot of wrecks around Lubbock, hundreds within the city limits since the ice came. 

Images of wrecked cars are certainly appropriate right now.

As usual it took many attempts to get these pics uploaded. And I never know whether to blame the Blogger interface or my crappy "high speed" Suddenlink cable connection.

Jan. 30th 2015: I've been contacted by a Suddenlink rep and we are trying to see what can be done about my cable service. This morning I noticed better upload speed when posting pics to this blog. I don't know whether that means anything or not. At least they are trying to help.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Lubbock's Abandoned Homes-- There Must Be Thousands

In most cases they appear to be uninhabitable. Surely someone owns the property. Maybe a Property Management Corporation. 

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Abandoned Homes-- Abandoned Hope?

It is a very cold and icy day, treacherous to drive even around the block. So we stay home. I'll just while away some time by posting more pics.

One thing I am NOT going to do is sit in front of the TV. Talk about CRAP. We don't have cable. I had cable, once, back in the day, when basic cable cost $18 per month. Even then it was overpriced for what it delivered. My wife and I are READERS. Yes, we like to read. I think that makes us strange in modern America. So be it.

More Of Lubbock's Abandoned Homes

From industry to ruins.

Notice the satellite tv dishes on these wrecks. TV is the great pacifier. 

Monday, December 29, 2014

More On A Lubbock Mystery

 The buildings right across the street seem to be abandoned. But look at the gate below, all the ribbon wire-- something more sensitive than bales of cotton must be behind that gate!

We were happy to leave that area. We felt like we were being WATCHED!