Thursday, September 19, 2024

Hot Day

 Rather hot yesterday and hot again today but improvements after this. I think September will feature above average temperatures. And maybe October as well. And November! And...

I got an important bit of business taken care of early today, and now I can relax. I plan to chill out most of the day, do a lot of reading, play some guitar, study master chess games, do some of my weights. I WILL relax! And keep it SIMPLE!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Nothing New

 SOSO, and I like that very much. A few necessary things done today. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Almost Perfect

 After a couple of hot days, we switch to almost perfect weather. Warm days, rain chances every day, comfortably cool mornings and evenings. It didn't get as hot yesterday as was forecast, and the downward trend in our daily high temps has begun earlier than forecast. The next ten days look quite nice!

Nice days are always nice, aren't they? It's even a kind of tautology. What can a nice thing be, other than nice? By the very definition! That's so nice! Enjoy. And be nice. 

Friday, September 13, 2024


 So hot today but a few degrees off the record high for this date. Steadily declining temperatures after this reminder of summer and rain chances increasing. I knew we'd have another spell of heat. And yet, it cools rapidly after sunset and the mornings and late evenings remain very comfortable. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Years Go By

 I think I understand where I am and I might even understand why I am. At least I see sufficient reason for me to be and to have been. If I don't keep that in mind, and learn to relax, it is far too easy to go off the rails. It's the endgame. That's reason enough to embrace simplicity and be calm and quiet. So...

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I Really Like It!

 Our warm days and cool mornings and evenings are very, very, pleasant! It is a positive joy to take care of business under such conditions! I took care of some important business this morning.  


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A Fine Evening!

 Very nice on the patio last evening! Perfect temperatures and mosquitos were not even a problem. Equally fine this morning. I did a little more work outside yesterday evening. It looks as though we might be quite warm by Saturday but temps drop again Sunday and into next week. When will it rain again? I've begun to water again. I'm restocking my pantry because.. who knows? I just like to have a good supply of food on hand, stuff with a long shelf life. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Pattern

 Yes, the current pattern of cool mornings and evenings and warm days seems to be established well into September. The next norther will probably be more significant than the last one. Rain chances are not very good during this period. 

It is all looking very stable...

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Nice Mornings And Evenings

 Warm during the day, but not at all hot, at least to me. Vintage evening on the patio, this time with Cabernet, and it felt great. They should all be that good. I wish I could recall in exquisite detail each and every such evening I've had, over the past dozen years!

If only! If only!