Cool mornings and warm afternoons with light breezes. Coffee on the patio in the morning and wine in the evening, although I might be sampling some cold beer this evening. I need a change. This will be another good day to do some work out there. At my age time passes very quickly-- the subjective sense of time has become slippery. It will soon be Memorial Day! I wonder whether I might do anything special? I might enjoy beer and hotdogs. I might go to a local park. Then again, I might chill out on my own turf.
This blog is an ARTISTIC regional photo journal. I focus on mundane scenes. ANY AND ALL STATEMENTS I MAKE HERE ARE MY OPINONS ONLY! I OFFER NOTHING WHATSOEVER AS A STATEMENT OF FACT! The photographs are offered as ARTISTIC EXPRESSION ONLY! They are not representative of anything other than themselves. Most of the places mentioned here have surely changed substantially since they were visited. Check my list of recommended sites at the bottom of this blog!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Monday, April 29, 2024
Nice Weather Continues
This is our severe weather season but so far we haven't had any. That's GOOD. Cool mornings and warm days with light winds are also GOOD. Even so, I feel like retreating into math. I guess it's the human element I find discouraging. News seems to be coming out of the twilight zone or some dystopian sci fi potboiler.
Sunday, April 28, 2024
Decidedly Cool Mornings
Brisk? Bracing? Pleasantly chilly? And warm but not hot days. I wish the entire summer could be like this. In other areas I must learn to relax and be realistic. I complain about a lot of things but in reality I am in a rather good place, all things considered. Very fortunate in fact. It's absolutely unnecessary in ordinary daily life to be a power lifter and probably unrealistic at my age. I tell myself that from time to time but then I push the limits again. Realistic goals have always been elusive. But if that sort of thing is my only problem...
This summer my jungle is under control, and a lot of it is dominated by Milo. A grain sorghum. Long ago I used a seed mix containing that stuff, and it seems to have spread. I like it. Birds eat the seeds, it grows tall and I can cut paths through it. I like to see it waving in the wind. And it suppresses other unwanted growth. But I have a space reserved for sunflowers and they are dominating much of my space, along with Goosefoot and other things herbal in nature. Birds eat the sunflower seeds, I eat the petals of the sunflowers, and the leaves of the Goosefoot, and small amounts of the herbal plants-- too much and it's toxic.
Saturday, April 27, 2024
Sometimes I Wonder
And sometimes I wander... Has Lubbock changed over the years? It's bigger. The traffic is worse, the cost of living is not so low as it used to be, housing prices have gone way up, thanks to a rapacious county tax office. If you've got a drop of blood they'll squeeze it out of you. I think, twenty years ago, this was a much better place to live than it is today. It can only get worse, in my view. But here I am and here I'll stay, and I hope developers stay away from my part of town. I like vacant land. I don't like to see residential areas spreading like cancer. I'm NOT an optimist. At 75 I still struggle to maintain my body, such as it is. 235 lb deadlift yesterday, far from the 300 I could do 8 or so years ago. And I have a lot of trouble with the shoulder press. I've managed to damage my shoulders over the years. Rotator cuff problems, impingements, and so on. Work, work, work, and this shoddy piece of protoplasmic garbage just wants to die. I'll make it die screaming: " Please! Not ANOTHER rep!! I can't take it anymore!"
I seem to be at war with the PU, that damned "physical universe", and my body is part of that rat trap.
Friday, April 26, 2024
The Nice Weather
We continue with cool mornings and warm but not hot days and moderate wind, and there was a quick thunder shower last night. Not much rain from it, but it was NICE. Lots of time enjoying the outdoors, and everything continues to green and grow.
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Such Nice Days
Since the last norther, the days have been to savor. Early morning coffee on the patio, walking the paths in the garden, enjoying the fresh air and my morning coffee, a hot thick brew of the sort they brewed in the land of Moo, in the Neolithic age, ever so long ago. I examine the growth, getting so thick, and the mystical spaces being created, where magic dwells. I put forth mental tentacles and draw upon the arcane powers there. Ha. Ha. Truly it is very nice. NICE. That is the operative word.
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Cool And Cloudy
On the warm side yesterday and mostly sunny, but cool and cloudy this morning. Weird weather oscillations from day to day. Some areas got rain, and even severe weather just east of us. Maybe more of the same today but not so warm. I keep forgetting to mention some products I remember from the past, advertised on black and white CRT displays maybe 21 inches on the diagonal if you had an expensive model TV-- crappy sound quality and blurry pictures in those days. How about OJ's Beauty Lotion? KING BOMBAR Bath Oil Beads! BABO, "the foaming cleanser", and Carter's Little Liver Pills? How about FIZZIES, which were flavored Alka-Seltzer tablets for kids to drop into tap water and drink? Bosco chocolate syrup? Ah, those were the days.
I have not seen Twenty Mule Team Borox, or Boraxo hand cleaner in a while but I haven't looked for it either.
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
NIce And Warm Today
I like that, warm but not hot. Looks like good weather for the weekend, too.
I worked pretty hard yesterday, and it felt good.
Monday, April 22, 2024
Strange Weather
The rain stopped but it continues to be cool. It doesn't feel much like late April.
This will be another weird year, in more ways than one.