Thursday, August 25, 2022

Cool Mornings

 I expected a blazing hot August but so far it has been quite mild. But that doesn't rule out a blazing hot September, since the weather machine is so thoroughly screwed up by human activity. And never forget that there is nothing at all mysterious about life, because it's carbon chemistry, all the way down and all the way up. Think of a planet like the earth as a kind of natural chemical laboratory-- given a common mix of elements on a planetary surface, and the right temperature regime, probably not uncommon either, you get carbon chemistry gone wild, and the inevitable result is going to be life, and evolution will take charge. That's what happened here, and that's what has happened elsewhere on other planets in other systems, and that is what is happening right now on other planets in other systems, and that is what will be happening on other planets in other systems long after life on earth is dead because conditions on earth have finally and inevitably become hostile to that sort of complex carbon chemistry. Consciousness, subjective experience, is still a mystery, so if you like mysteries and want something mysterious, consider "selfness". There seems to be no real need for that, and so far no one can explain it in any satisfactory way. 

Yes, ask yourself why you are not a mindless robot, because a mindless robot could do what you do and no one would know the difference. 

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