Yes, we look at sunflowers.
This blog is an ARTISTIC regional photo journal. I focus on mundane scenes. ANY AND ALL STATEMENTS I MAKE HERE ARE MY OPINONS ONLY! I OFFER NOTHING WHATSOEVER AS A STATEMENT OF FACT! The photographs are offered as ARTISTIC EXPRESSION ONLY! They are not representative of anything other than themselves. Most of the places mentioned here have surely changed substantially since they were visited. Check my list of recommended sites at the bottom of this blog!

Sunday, July 31, 2022
Saturday, July 30, 2022
A Hint of Seasonal Change!
We get a break in the heat and there are at least some rain chances. A breeze out of the north feels very good. I've been reading about Monkeypox spreading rapidly. About 4000 cases in the US so far and a few hundred in Texas. I've never been keen on monkeys, my least favorite animal. I've never been a fan of anthropoids. This is, of course, another instance of a zoonotic disease, something that has made the jump from infecting non-human animals to human animals. Paul Ehrlich predicted there would be more and more of that going on, in his excellent book, THE POPULATION BOMB. He was, in general, quite prophetic. When a scientist makes a prophecy, they tend to get it right. When a non-scientist makes a prophecy, they are wrong 100% of the time. The smartest thing for a young couple to do: avoid having a child! Don't breed! Stop the idiocy now! Pressure from parents and grandparents? Tell them to bugger off. Your life, your decisions, your body. Do the right thing. Do the SMART thing. Don't breed. Enough already. That's actually the best thing you can do for posterity. You want to prosper? It's much easier if you don't fall into the family trap. If you must have a child, ADOPT!
Friday, July 29, 2022
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
A New Post
Blogging is like making a fence, one post at a time. Blogs are old-fashioned. That's why I like them.
But I don't like the way the interface is occasionally a bit glitchy. But maybe I'm the glitchy one. Having been forced to switch from 3G to 4G, I find that 4G sucks. I had better service with 3G. A lot of changes seem to be driven by greed. Make the old obsolete so that corporate vampires can hustle a new product. One would like to take an iron rod to the corporate fascist empires of the world and smash them like pottery. Those old radical dreams die hard.
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Newer Post
This stuff, where was it? Sometimes I don't remember just exactly where we were. Or where I was.
The internet has done a great job of empowering village idiots, like the QANON cultists, who would be mere isolated psychos without the power of the net. The internet illustrates how toxic the human brain actually is. Let enough people communicate freely and widely, and see lunacy spread like a viral disease. It's not for nothing that we say of some crap on the net that it has "gone viral".