Monday, March 28, 2022

Closer Looks 5

 What terrific weather we've been having. I've certainly been enjoying it. 

These closer looks are a way for me to potter about in the past, a much better and happier past, although you might not think that based on the subject matter. It was all about prowling around and discovering things. There was something childlike about it. Let's see what's over there! Let's see what we can find! And then, with the camera and computer software, to try to enhance what we found or squeeze a bit of hidden beauty out of objects or scenes we unearthed. A lot of human artifacts have a rich texture and interesting bits of color and variations in brightness that form  compositions when framed in various ways. Fun for both of us. Those were the days. I'm sorry they're gone. I still do some of that, but going solo is not much fun, and more than a little sad. There was also the thrill of documenting the ephemeral, freezing it in time. A lot of the stuff we used to photograph is gone or no longer accessible. 

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