Thursday, October 22, 2015

Lubbock! More!

There will always be more pics of Lubbock, here, because that's where we live.
This house is for sale. It is east of Ave. Q on about 39th Street. If you contact me, I could put you in touch with the owner. It would need a lot of work but it could be a rental. My wife noticed that it has FOUR phone lines, landlines, going into it. That's a little unusual. In fact, the lady across the street has a rental for sale that needs only minor repair, and the lady's sister has a house for sale. Snap them up and rent them to Tech students? I'd try to broker this deal for you, if you happen to reside in the UK, or Latvia, Ukraine, or Russia... I would take a small percentage.

 The lovely outdoor toilet belongs to another property.
 Throw aside your inhibitions! Cast away your false shame! Move your bowels in the full view of your fellows! Ahhhhh. 

Lots of people in town find it acceptable to dump other forms of crap in public places.

 This used to be a "gentlemen's club" but it has been long abandoned. By "gentlemen" we mean fat, stupid, redneck, sexist pigs with drinking problems, rapist tendencies and erectile difficulties. Lubbock has more than its share of such gentlemen, so it is amazing that this place did not make a go of it. It seems to have been very poorly managed.

 There is a lot of land in Lubbock that just sits, unused. That tells me the land is worthless. No surprise. Let's not forget where we are.


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