Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Post, Texas

Yes, this begins a series of pictures taken in Post, Texas, home of what was once a nice flea market: Post Old Mill Trade Days. The "old mill" is the mill built by the Post of Post cereal. That mill still stands, though it is in bad shape.

 We have, by the way, met a couple of AT&T retirees who are really struggling with the insurance switch. Premiums have to be paid for out of pocket. THEN, somehow, you will be reimbursed. But that extra monthly expense is going to kill a lot of people who simply can't afford it. There are many more retirees who are going to be hit hard by this change. In our case, having chosen our plans, AON has handed us off to Blue Cross of Texas. Someone is supposed to contact us. If they are unable to reach us, no insurance. We are in a holding pattern, waiting for that call. Who knows when? Healthcare in the USA is all messed up. It is too expensive. Insurance is hard to get and hard to hold onto. The insurance hassle would make you sick if you weren't already. The system is indefensible. It is STUPID. If you are poor you might as well live in Nigeria. That is why Ebola will spread in this country. Low paid workers have no sick days, so, they report to work half-dead and spread their disease. They go to an emergency room and spread whatever they have because there is no other option. Oh yes, our two tier, have vs have-not healthcare system guarantees that diseases like Ebola will be uncontrollable. We haven't even mentioned yet the problem of cost-- who foots the bill if you are kept under observation?


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