Monday, July 4, 2022

So, July 4th

 I'm not doing any of the festivities but I photographed preparations in McKenzie Park.

I just have no interest in stuff like this-- the crowds! The heat! And what, really, is entertaining about any of it, such that the entertainment value offsets the hassle and inconvenience and other annoyances?

The whole thing starts with a parade and parades are BORING.

Surely, there are better ways to be bored.

And then you've got all those PEOPLE! No thanks. I've added to links at the bottom of the blog, two of them go to performances by Julee Cruise, and one links to some Orchestral performances of music from Twin Peaks. 

Sunday, July 3, 2022


 What will July bring, apart from summer heat? I wonder about this year's hurricane season. 

I got nostalgic for Twin Peaks last evening. Julee Cruise is dead. She was 65. And I think it was suicide. Rest in peace! Who can forget "Falling"? David Lynch is a genius. At least he is still around. 

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Life Is Absurd

 Absurd is the word. And so is the bird. Best not to take it too seriously. Loads and loads of new pics in the pipeline. Some of them turned out quite well. I might actually have a July 4th special spectacle, but long after the holiday. As Lubbock makes preparations for that rather absurd observance, contingent on a historical accident/aberration-- I can document some of the work that goes into it, but have no interest in the event itself, and won't be anywhere near the festivities. Too crowded, too hot, and too many other things. Also, been there, done that, and at a time when it was much more enjoyable-- I just don't like the way they do it now. It used to be sort of fun. It isn't anymore. 

I think I come across in this blog as an elitist snob, of sorts. But, no, in real life I am more like an elitist SLOB. Ha. Ha. 

Friday, July 1, 2022

Common Dementias

 Try "National Identity" dementia and "Race/Ethnicity" dementia. Both are common in the USA. And neither nationality nor "race" mean shit. Meanwhile, I continue to do my thing with a harvest of new pics, and when they are all done I'll interrupt the current stroll through the past and post them, a few at a time. By the way, religious affiliation doesn't mean shit either. 

It's amazing that so many of the things people think of as meaningful don't amount to a pile of crap. At least, that's how it works in MY world. And MY world is sane. YOUR world might be batshit crazy. But mine isn't.