Sunday, September 6, 2020

Back To Lubbock!

At least, here in Lubbock, we have not yet had Phlotillas of Phools. Where would you find the water? Buffalo Springs Lake? That's out of the city limits and not a place where you can effectively and decisively demonstrate in public that one has shit for brains. 

This morning I got some shots of an old, abandoned, car wash. I used a low tech cellphone camera because it was convenient and I want to see what I can do with low-quality pics. Yesterday's exercise has gotten easier. You just have to ignore the discomfort. It seems to be a pretty effective compound type exercise, giving one a lot of bang for the buck. I'd like to try it with a pair of hex dumbbells, using the crush grip to mash them together. I've got a pair of 35 lb dumbbells I want to try, but they are not hexagonal. Mashing them together and holding them in place might be more challenging. I can always drop back to a pair of hex at 25 lbs each.

As far as the phool phlotillas go, may their boats always sink.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Lubbock Lubbock

This city is, if nothing else, a bastion of support for the Great Orange Emperor. We used to honor fallen soldiers here but that will stop, since the GOE has labeled fallen soldiers losers and suckers. Instead of planting flags on Memorial Day, the trumptards will be pissing on graves. I see a pilgrimage to Arlington Cemetery, to pee and crap on the graves there. "LOSERS! SUCKERS! The Great Orange Emperor despises you, and so do we! We think what the Great One thinks! The Great One is never wrong!" And how long will it be before the trumptards scribble graffiti on the Vietnam war memorial? LOSERS! SUCKERS! Publication of "Stars and Stripes" has ended, on orders of the Great Orange Emperor. Why put out a newspaper for LOSERS and SUCKERS? The trumptards know greatness when they smell it. To the rest of us, not in the cult, the greatness smells like shit, but to a trumptard it smells like ice cream.

Trumptards LOVE that ice cream!!

It makes sense, since they've got that "ice cream" for brains.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Back To School!

And the covid numbers are kicking up. Lots of cases now on the Tech campus. That was to be expected. Trumptards might be taken by surprise, or they might be screeching "fake news". But who cares what trumptards think? They don't think. They aren't into thinking. If they were capable of thinking they wouldn't be trumptards. So, more Lubbock...

Of course, a certain percentage of the trumptards are going to be rock-bottom scum of the earth racist garbage. And if they had better brains and better parenting, they wouldn't have become trumptards either. They probably see themselves as salt of the earth and in a certain sense that's true-- salted earth is typically dead and barren. But enough of that. More Lubbock.

What worries me: what happens when these infected/exposed college kids and school kids go home? Pass it on to mom and dad? And where does it go from there? Around and around it goes. Where it stops nobody knows. An old story. On the very useful John's Hopkins statistics site I watch with interest as cases climb in Israel. They've surpassed a number of their neighboring countries and the climb continues. The death toll as reported is so low in some countries, relative to total cases, it is obvious that data is being fudged, and this seems to be true of Israel and Russia, to name only two.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Things To See In The City Of Mums

That's what Lubbock used to be, the City Of Mums. Chrysanthemums. People had them planted all over, especially around the Tech campus. You'd find the mums in the local parks. Much was made of mums. At this time of year, the mums would begin to bloom and, well... not much else happened. But it was mums. Where that mum thing came from I do not know. I guess Lubbock wanted to be famous for something. Why not mums? 

I'm not showing you any mums. I haven't seen a mum around here in a month of mumdays.

So many things have changed! And will change!

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Good News

We can look at more THINGS in Lubbock, things in places in Lubbock. Lubbock stuff. 

And, I as usual, I try different ways to look at the same thing.

 Lots of "things" like this to go. I see new places and things to photograph every week.