Saturday, April 6, 2019

Go Raiders!

Texas Tech men's basketball is doing well in the tournament and they have a very important game today. This morning I saw this Raider flag flying from the topmost mast of a TV broadcast tower. I got a few shots with telephoto:

Who put it there. The station? I'm estimating you'd have to climb up about 350 feet. Nice job!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Just When You Thought It Was Safe

The sunflowers come back. I decided to photograph what was left of the back garden before I began to clear it out for replanting later. Also, Google is changing the blogs and I preemptively downgraded my blogs from Google + to plain Google blogs, to see what I might lose. It looks like I'm not going to lose much of anything. I never saw the point of Google + anyway.

I think Google wanted to try to have more Facebook-like features. I loathe and detest Facebook anyway. I think people who are really gung ho on Facebook have some serious cognitive/emotional maturity issues. Same applies to twitter twerps and twits. 

And don't you just feel sorry for nitwits who spend all of their time texting? Their thumbs should fall off.

I know what we need! More of that wholesome garden stuff!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

More Downtown Is Overdue!

Now we hear that major investment and redevelopment is in the works. Look like someday it might not be funky anymore. So let's appreciate it while we can.

I'd hate to see all this go away.

In the alley I found an open door, with an ice cold draft coming up from the depths. Very sinister.
This is yet another BAD PLACE!!

If I explored this building I would want to be well-armed. Best not to attempt that.

Driving around in downtown Lubbock is not a great experience. Old brick streets pulverize your shock absorbers, or struts, one-way streets suddenly become two-way or two-way streets suddenly become one-way and you are going the wrong direction. Deep trenches threaten to rip the front end off your car or truck. Downtown Lubbock is pretty much crap in terms of driving or parking. And yet the county courthouse is smack in the middle. God help you if you have business there, or jury duty. On the other hand, it is funky. There's a lot of old stuff.

Downtown Lubbock impresses me as the sort of place you'd expect vampires to hang out. Maybe that explains all the law offices.
I guess we will see, in coming years, whether any of this area can actually be salvaged.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Still Downtown

Always a lot to see.

Now we move on to the old skating rink, a place my wife remembered, and one of the sites we visited together. I rephotographed it.

It's still rotting away, still a ruin.

 On to another location.

They've got some utility stuff there. I always like that. Look at the stains around that drain.
Drains and stains just go together! More of this awesome stuff next time, and we will finish this downtown segment.