Saturday, April 14, 2018

Before I Get To That Guitar Overhaul...

... I'd like to finish that area off of Avenue K I like so much.

 This place deserves a VERY close inspection, and someday I will do that.
 I like alleys. Someday I will wander down this one, camera in hand.

We are getting close to a flea market. I like flea markets.

This is a GOOD part of town! We felt good about this area. My wife had connections to the flea market. I had connections to the flea market. I visited it for many years. I bought lots of produce there, trucked in fresh from what Texans call The Valley.
 Here is another alley, worthy of close inspection!

All of these things will be examined in much greater detail-- some DAY. SOME day. Oh yeah.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Living On The Edge

One of the things I like about our location, is that it is on the edge-- on the edge of the boonies. A drive of less than one mile takes me into an area that is more country than city.

In fact, all this is within walking distance. Unfortunately, to walk into this area, it would be necessary to cross four lanes of traffic on University Avenue. It could be done safely early on a Sunday morning and I might try that sometime. I could take a camera and really zoom in. I took all the photos here without ever getting out of my car.

Of course, I'm not saying that the area is in any way scenic. It's just not blandly residential. You can have cattle and horses and goats, for instance. You can have a barn and livestock pens and an acre or two under cultivation. You can have all the junk cars you want. I like that.

I hope it stays like this.

When you go out this way, there is not much of a transition. On one side of a street you've got typical residential development, and on the other side of that street you've got this.

Here is an example: just beyond the goats you've got 98th Street, wide and busy, and just beyond that, on the other side of 98th, you've got the apartment buildings you see in the background. I'd rather live with the goats. I'd be happier in that trailer with a yard full of goats than in those apartments.


Some of my other favorite areas are off of Avenue K. We'll check that out next time.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

NOW Let's Finish The Stuff From 2014

That old Y! Y oh Y?

I need to drive back out there and see if it is still standing. Maybe it has been replaced by a parking lot.

It would be a shame, if that's the case.

Next, we traveled to Main Street, East of Avenue Q.

We stopped at the site of what used to be a counseling center. I think MHMR might have operated it. I do not know why it was demolished.
Someday I will check out this area again. Efforts to rehab downtown have not made much of  an impact yet. There are still lots of good ruins. 

 Below, views of what used to be the Great Plains Building, an iconic Lubbock landmark.

I'll post some new photos next time.