Monday, September 21, 2015

More Of Anton

You might ordinarily think of "downtown" as the jewel of a city-- the nerve center, the place where the best things can be found. That's not true of Anton, and it isn't even true of Lubbock. Today it seems that "downtown" is where the rot is, probably in more than one sense.

But in cities like Lubbock, cities of some size, there are places to go and things to do all over, and "downtown" is mostly irrelevant, but in a small town like Anton that is not true. 

There's not much of anything as far as we could tell. One thing that struck us as poignant: dilapidated benches scattered in front of closed and abandoned buildings, and little pots of artificial flowers here and there. Pitiful efforts at "beautification", one supposes. 

Sit among the ruins, enjoy the scent of plastic flowers, and contemplate the transience and fragility of human endeavor. Have fun.

ANTON! What are you offering? What do you have to induce someone, anyone, to live there??

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Downtown In Anton, Texas, On A Sunday Afternoon

Dead. Very, very, dead.


 Out of business.

A part of Anton's Municipal Museum? It was on the wrong side of the fence. My wife was shocked. My wife remembers when Anton had some life downtown. And it wasn't all that long ago. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

A Little Lubbock, And Then Anton

Yep, a little bit of Lubbock, and then a long photo series spotlighting, Anton, Texas. We found Anton to be as depressing as Ropesville. Downtown on a Sunday afternoon was deserted. It was full of ruins, abandoned buildings and businesses that had failed. It was sad.

 Lubbock has ruins, too. But now, on to ANTON!


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Pics From The Labor Day Weekend Flea Market

It was kind of a bust, since the Red Raiders were playing their first game, right at home. We bought only one item and we did not stay very long.

We've got a few more Lubbock pics, then Anton, and I want to detail a change I made to my VM Jaguar guitar-- I made the switch to a Mustang bridge, after reading many opinions. It worked out great but I want to describe what I had to do to make it work. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Thunderbirds In Brownfield!

These cars were an unexpected find!

It must have been a club out for a spin, but I don't know whether it is based in Brownfield or not. 

Coming up, some views of a local Flea Market, taken during a Labor Day sell-a-thon. And after that, a look at ANTON, a town we have not visited before. We took a lot of photos in ANTON!