Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Yet Even More Lubbock Pics, Views, Scenes!!

We decided last Saturday to get even more pics! I will show them all to you in the future, but I processed some of them and got some rather moody black and white "artsy" effects. I post them here without further comment:

Yet More Lubbock Pics

This is still stuff from when my wife and I got out to photograph odd stuff downtown. That was two weeks ago! Well, I'm going to post the rest of that. After leaving downtown's mysteries and vacant buildings and deteriorated roads and curbs, we drove East and found an illegal dump just off Ash Avenue:
And then we took a road to Aztlan Park or Aztlan Area in the Guadalupe Neighborhood and saw  some much nicer things. Guadalupe Neighborhood is kind of off the beaten path for most, but I'd rather live there than in Tech Terrace. But here is some of what we saw in the Aztlan Area (or park):

Now, this might not look like much to you, but here in Lubbock anything that is not dirt or concrete is considered to be "scenery". Note the water! WATER!!!


Friday, July 19, 2013

Views of Lubbock, continued...

We left the mystery zone and found what used to be a skating rink!
Of course, it was in disuse, long abandoned and boarded up. The eaves were interesting, however. Probably a lot of old lead paint:

 And in the streets, more evidence of urban decay:
The theme of downtown Lubbock seems to be: Yes, we have no BIZZWAX, and of BIZZWAX we have none!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

More Lubbock Views and Vistas!

I did not take any pics July 4th, but back in 1998 or 1999 I was at Fourth on Broadway and I took lots of pics then. I will share one of those pics, since nothing changes very much:
But note that it was raining! VERY unusual!

The weekend my wife and I drove around downtown, we paused at the old Kress building. Right across the street was the old JC Penny building!
And then we circled around and found a rather odd building, abandoned of course, like most of the buildings in downtown Lubbock. I took a bunch of photos there. This particular ruin had a gargoyle!
It looks to me to be emblematic of the sort of spirit that would preside and reign over this hot, dry, windy, dusty, insular, otherworldly, burg. Here is another view:
Welcome to Lubbock, and abandon hope! Heh. Heh. There were cryptic signs as well:
Did we stumble upon the hidden heart of this morbidly self-righteous city? If so, that heart is in need of repair...

 What's that pot for?

To be continued...


Friday, July 5, 2013

Fourth on Broadway...

... is the largest, in terms of attendance, outdoor street festival known to man, or something like that, and actually it is one of the nice things about Lubbock. My wife and I skipped the parade but we were there for the music and food. The weather was exceptional but it seemed to me that attendance was down. After that we took a break and then found a spot near McKenzie Park to watch the fireworks. Nice evening, good fireworks display, but very heavy traffic. It took a long time to leave the area. Traffic control was good, but the sheer number of vehicles was hard to deal with. A lot of enthusiastic amateurs got in the act. Talk about burning up money! Fireworks aren't that cheap!