Thursday, September 5, 2024

Very Pleasant

 Cool and cloudy this morning but no rain. Mostly cloudy now. I took advantage of the fine conditions outside to do some work. It felt really good. Pulling weeds, clearing a path that had become overgrown and ill-defined. Reclaiming land, as it were. Excellent results. I needed a lot of mosquito repellent. 

September continues to be a very fine month. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Lots Of Rain

 Cool and cloudy and humid. Not much I can do outside. Light rain off and on. Harder rain yesterday. I'm doing indoor stuff and reading. Getting tired of the gloom. The mosquitos are ferocious. 

Later in the week we'll be edging into seasonal norms again but rain will remain possible. Quite a change. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Like An Olde Tyme September!

 Cool! Wet! Cloudy! What a treat! So happy to have done all needed outdoor things! Did my weights this morning and enjoy iced coffee, because it will take a long time for the heat in the house to dissipate, but someday it will. I have a somewhat different winter strategy in mind, too, for that time must come as well. Today I will do much reading, and playing of guitar, and meditating. I have ordered things I will need for an experiment in AGE breaking, based on studies I found in PubMed. I will, of course, be the lab rat. I see no risk in this, and if it works as well as it did in the studies, that involved actual lab rats, it will be a rather fine thing. Look up "Advanced Glycation End Products" and their role in aging. Meanwhile, I am loving the change in our weather!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

It Didn't Rain Enough

 I don't think this will be a wet weekend, but at least the worst of the heat is still off. Nice and cool this morning, so I did some work outside. When is the next norther due? We need another one. 

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Rain Yesterday

 The rain was very nice. We are still out of the heat.

It is nice to be out of the heat!