Sunday, May 22, 2022

Record Highs, Record Lows

 A record low temperature for this date, following a string of record highs. The variability of weather in this area seems to have increased. It has always been freaky and variable, but now more. I'm enjoying the cool down. Soon enough triple digits will return. It is good, to have nothing to talk about but the weather! May it be ever thus! Or so. Sometimes I wonder whether I even have a native language. Is it Slobovian? Or Vulgarian? Is it in fact more like Inglish?? I scratch my head and go on. For what else to do is there? Eh? I think the Canadians say "Eh" a lot.

And then there is of course the emotional weather to complicate things. Too much. Strive to keep it simple and eschew the new. ALWAYS eschew the new.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Nice And Cool

 Heat relief at last, and it should last several days, and we might even get a little rain. What's not to like about that? Well, maybe a little dust in the air, because it's windy. When do we get that paradigm shift, I wonder? That's long overdue!

In all of human history, has here ever been a paradigm shift?? A paradigm shit, well, that's another story!

Friday, May 20, 2022

Still On Track

 A cool down and rain are still in the forecast and next week looks good in terms of weather, at least. 

Sometimes I wonder about this blog interface.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Hot-- Near Record Heat

 It's unusual to have such a string of high temps so early in the season. Makes me wonder what August will be like. My electricity provider isn't part of ERCOT, so I think I'll be OK, but who knows? 

I tend to believe that the best part of life is that it ends. The worst part of life is the stuff you might have to endure before it ends. I'm only half-serious about that. Life is chock-a-block with all manner of good thing! And I'm only half-serious about that, too. But one of those "good things" is the mystery. And some of the bad things are the silly and half-assed things offered to dispel mystery, like conspiracy theories. Science has done a great job of clearing up many old mysteries. Science is our friend. And I'm confident that mystery isn't going away, at least, not any time soon. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

It's Official

 Over 1,000,000 Covid deaths in the USA is the "official" tally but the actual number is probably higher, with over 80,000,000 known infections-- so far. Grim news. And a lot of those deaths were certainly preventable. Hot here. Record highs. Deep drought. Humanity shits in its own nest and pays the price. Increase and multiply? That's a prescription for species suicide. 

Nice to see that Madison "Mad Dog" Cawthorn lost his primary. Good riddance to right-wing trash. He'll probably get a job spewing white-supremacist and Russian propaganda filth on FOX.  FOX: where the mentally and morally deficient find the "news" that pleases them. Of course, if they don't get enough there, they can always get their fix in the churches they attend.