Sure seems like a lot of Texans are too dumb to take the elementary precautions required to reduce chances of infection. These are people who richly deserve their Darwin Awards. Unfortunately they're a threat to the rest of us, and a threat to the healthcare professionals who are trying to save their sorry butts. But Texans have never been known for being smart.
There's a lot of abstract expressionism going on this alley.
Jackson Pollack?
Lots more alley to go, and lots more insanity, out in the world. What a world. What a nuthouse.
By the way, does it look to you like COVID is going away? Some people think so, but COVID is part of nature, and nature doesn't give a flying fork what you think, want, believe, or imagine. Have any evidence to the contrary? Can't see any signs of America being an exceptional case, unless you're talking about exceptionally stupid. Your "constitutional rights" don't mean a damn thing to nature either. COVID will hit you no matter how much you whine about your pathetic "rights". When it comes to nature, "rights" don't mean squat. At this point, I see no reason to think otherwise.
This alley would have been a much more congenial place if I had been the only one there, but it wasn't like that. What a drag. I did the best I could.
More of this outstanding alley next time!
It has a different effect in color, that's for sure.
It's the same thing but under a different aspect. Gotta watch out for those aspects. See a dermatologist if you're not sure.
Something rich and strange.
Everything enhanced.
Above, a clue to location.
I will be taking my time about this.
This Lubbock alley, humble as it was, provided me with lots of material. After this set, I will be looking at in color.
Good old alley.
Pipes and wipes and lines and wires and conduits and crud and grime. Walls with peeling paint and rust and decay and trash. And don't forget the dreams.
Next time, I'll be looking at all of this again, but in color. What a difference that will make. Razzle dazzle.