Saturday, August 17, 2024

Yet Another Hot Day

 The heat wave must end sooner or later. Let it be sooner! At least mornings are still quite comfortable. And the days are shorter, so less insolation, but it continues to be very hot. But also very dry. 

I have quite a lot to do today!

Friday, August 16, 2024

The Heat Settles In

 We got some relief last evening and it was pleasant on the patio, with heavy clouds and thunder and a few drops of rain, and then some cooling breezes. No real rain though, at least not at my location. But it was not bad at all. In the summer, in weather like this, I actually chill cabernet. And that's what I enjoyed on the patio. I'm surrounded by sunflowers, some up to twelve feet tall, but they are past their prime and the seeds are feeding finches. It's still possible to use the path I made earlier this year but it's like pushing through a jungle. I'm delighted to have bees outside, and spiders, and many other small insects crawling all over the sunflowers. I've never been stung. I'm not so happy with the mosquitoes, though. I see forecasts calling for an early onset of cool weather, and I hope they are correct. 2024 will probably be the hottest year on record, and I'm sure 2025 will top that, and so on and so on, until... the party is over. And it never was much of a party. More of a drunken, bloody, orgy. Death, destruction, and a lot of nonsense. Madness and unspeakable cruelty. 

What a bummer. Some party, eh?

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Soaring Temps! Record Highs!

 We are in for a hot week. Expect every year to be hotter than the last, as humanity (stupid animals, by and large) effectively suffocates in its own waste products. No escape and no salvation for the naked apes. Why does that prospect not bother me at all?

Maybe all of known mathematics amounts to nothing but a stupid human trick. Maybe the algorithm behind what we refer to as "human nature" has a fatal flaw. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Heat Wave

 We are having a nasty turn of the weather this August. Heat wave. A prolonged period of triple digits. I hope it doesn't last as long as some of the forecast models have it. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

No Thunderstorms

 The August heat goes on. I note that some weather channels predict an early onset of cooler temps but who knows. Too many variables. I certainly would not mind that, if it does happen. Our heat index has been several degrees lower than the actual temps recorded, thanks to low humidity. It's also been fairly breezy each day. I also note that apocalyptic fundamentalists are once again expecting to be "raptured". Didn't they go off on that kick way back in the eighties? Don't they ever learn anything? Isn't it written that "the end" will be completely unexpected, and arrive like a thief in the night? Just goes to show how foolish fundamentalists are. Frankly, I don't buy that rapture stuff at all. A late addition, from a questionable source, probably a temporal lobe epileptic with a penchant for boasting, who had dreams and hallucinations; a liar and braggart. Fella name o' Paul. Cranky old coot with an axe to grind. "Paul" is best forgotten. That's just my opinion. But it's an INFORMED opinion. 

Things around here are no longer this green and lush. The heat has not been kind.