Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Relief At Last!

 Improving weather and better rain chances. Coffee on the patio this morning and chilled white wine last evening. Very relaxing, and then more work done in one of the gardens. 

I really appreciate the Blogger upgrades! It all goes so much faster, and easier! Thank you Mr. Google. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Very Hot Today

 But tomorrow it should be much, much, better, and rain is looking likely. It'll be good to have cooler mornings and warm days, rather than hot days, and the relief might last through the weekend. The timing for this change is rather good. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Coffee On The Patio Again

 I'm certainly happy for cool mornings. Last evening was not too bad. Slather on the DEET. Accept the heat. Dry air and wind makes it tolerable. Looks like the same again today. Wednesday is supposedly going to be not as hot, and rain chances return. I could do with another one of those summer northers, frankly. 

I've noticed that the blog interface has become more efficient; quicker uploads, for instance. Nice to see that Google isn't letting the blogger fade away from neglect. Blogs are so much more civilized than Facebook or any of that other social media garbage. Facebook "friends" are all too often fiends, when not bots. It's a playground for idiocy and malice, in my humble opinion. I still don't have a "smart" phone and I hope I never have to resort to such a thing. Minimalist flip phones are still available and that's what I intend to stay with. And of course I still have a HOME phone, not exactly a good old landline, but close enough. Sometimes the old technology is best. You will NEVER see me in a public place with a "smart" phone in my hand. NEVER! You might see me with a BOOK. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Coffee On The Patio

 It was nice and cool this morning although as soon as the sun rose it began to warm quickly. Low humidity with this heat works well. I got everything watered yesterday evening and enjoyed the cooling effect of the sprinklers and the breeze blowing through wet vegetation. My jungle is alive and well.  So am I for that matter.

I've already done most of what I needed to do today, well before noon. I like getting things done. I'm just waiting for the first load of laundry to finish. Toss that stuff in the dryer, do number two and I'm done for the day. Plenty of time for reading, guitar, and whatever else. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Cool Mornings Continue

 Very pleasant before sunrise if you slather on a mosquito repellent with loads of DEET. The city is doing the best it can to control the mosquitos but Lubbock has so many playa lakes, and all of them are very full. I have two close to me. I noted today that the ground is still quite wet from the recent rains. Go down a few inches and you'll find mud. Humidity is too high for my taste but it's the price one pays for so much rain. The corn fields and cotton fields east of me are looking good. There are no triple digits in the long term forecast. 

This is far from the worst summer I've experienced.