Thursday, July 11, 2024

Cool Mornings Continue

 Very pleasant before sunrise if you slather on a mosquito repellent with loads of DEET. The city is doing the best it can to control the mosquitos but Lubbock has so many playa lakes, and all of them are very full. I have two close to me. I noted today that the ground is still quite wet from the recent rains. Go down a few inches and you'll find mud. Humidity is too high for my taste but it's the price one pays for so much rain. The corn fields and cotton fields east of me are looking good. There are no triple digits in the long term forecast. 

This is far from the worst summer I've experienced. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Seasonal Highs

 It just might rain today. As usual I got my outdoorsy work done early. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

Cool With Rain

 That norther came in late last afternoon and started dropping temperatures right away, and along with it came thunderstorms and needed rain. No hail though, and that was good too. Very soggy outside this morning and quite cool for the season, which feels good. This is really super, a super way to edge past the holiday and into July. We had an amazingly intense red sky just after sunrise, so I recall the old saying: red sky in the morning, sailors take warning. Last evening I stationed myself in the garage/workshop, my trusty old car on one side and a wall full of mementos and tools on the other, sipping Chardonnay and reclining with my feet up, enjoying cool breezes and relishing the sight of rain falling on the lawn, rain water running down the gutters and into the lake at the end of the block. So fine! It made me happy! Sunday was not such a bad day!

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Cool Morning Hot Day

 It was nice and cool this morning but it will be quite hot today in advance of a norther. Tomorrow, very different, and thunderstorms are likely. Let it rain. It was amazing outside this morning. I'll have to do some trimming and cutting next week, in order to bring the jungle within bounds. Paths are getting overgrown. 

Nations and religions are truly despicable atavisms. Maybe AI constructs can do away with them. But they might find it necessary to do away with people in the process. What's needed is a drastic modification to the human genome, to produce a species smarter, better, more rational. But it's probably not possible to construct an animal that won't behave like an animal. Odds are, it's hopeless. Homo "Sapiens" seems to be a dead end. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Weather Still Good

 Comfortable. Hot Sunday. Another norther due. Cooler Monday. Next week looks good. Reasonable temps and rain likely. 

The human brain is remarkable, sometimes generating elegant and beautiful mathematical structures, but most of the time-- garbage.